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A Historical Gem With Panoramic Views

Chiesanuova: Un Enchanting Village in Piedmont

A Historical Gem with Panoramic Views

A Thriving Destination for Paragliders

Nestled in the heart of the picturesque Valle Sacra, Chiesanuova is a medieval village that captivates visitors with its timeless charm and breathtaking panoramic views. Perched on a natural terrace, it offers one of the most evocative vantage points in the valley, inviting tourists and locals alike to marvel at its beauty.

Founded in the Middle Ages, Chiesanuova was once a fief of the San Martino di Castelnuovo family. Its historical heritage is still evident in its enchanting architecture, including the 12th-century bell tower and the remnants of a medieval castle. Today, Chiesanuova has emerged as a popular destination for paragliding enthusiasts, boasting an extensive area dedicated to this exhilarating activity. Paragliders flock to Chiesanuova from far and wide, drawn by its ideal flying conditions and stunning aerial views of the surrounding landscape.

Visitors to Chiesanuova can also enjoy an abundance of other attractions. The village features a dedicated camper area with convenient amenities, making it a perfect base for exploring the region. Chiesanuova's charming streets are lined with quaint shops and inviting restaurants, offering a taste of authentic Piedmontese culture and cuisine.

A Lasting Impression

Chiesanuova is a village that leaves a lasting impression on all who visit it. Its captivating blend of history, panoramic views, and recreational opportunities makes it a true gem in the heart of Piedmont. Whether you are seeking adventure, tranquility, or a journey into the past, Chiesanuova will not disappoint.
